Crypto, Tutorial

How to create a wallet using MetaMask

2 min read

You need a wallet. For this purpose we use MetaMask.  To ensure a simple and correct installation and use of MetaMask, we offer here a short and understandable introduction to the system.


Install the MetaMask extension for your browser via (if the browser is supported by MetaMask, it should be displayed there). Supported are: CromeFirefoxBrave and Edge.

MetaMask installing


Add the extension in the corresponding browser.


And give MetaMask the permissions to work.


MetaMask opens automatically after installation, click “Get Started“.


Create a new wallet via “Create a Wallet”.


“Help Us Improve MetaMask” can be accepted as well as rejected (it’s all about whether you want to share your user data anonymously or not).


Enter a new password for the wallet and accept the Terms of Use (


MetaMask shows a video informing about the use and safety.


A secret recovery phrase must be generated (12 words). It is used to recover the wallet later if the browser/device data should be lost. Therefore, it should be kept in a safe place (click on the lock to reveal the chosen words). A .txt file with these words can also be downloaded to the right.


These words must then be given in the same order used before so that MetaMask can ensure that you have access to them.


The wallet has been successfully created after the secret recovery phrase has been successfully entered. Now save the secret recovery phrase well and secure (note: the user is responsible for ensuring that he has access to his secret recovery phrase at all times. In the event that the secret recovery phrase is lost, nobody can recover the wallet, not even MetaMask itself).


The wallet address can be copied by clicking on the label “Account 1”. This address is needed by Creatokia for Ethereum transactions.